Assistant Teacher 副担任 Hatsune Tange たんげ はつね
Office オフィス Miwa Prescod プレスコッド みわ
Rams Head Teacher ラムズクラス担任 Mona Fradejas フラデハス モナ
Assistant Teacher 副担任 Erika Kawaguchi かわぐち えりか
Office オフィス Junko Kira きら じゅんこ
Hedgehogs ヘッジホグズクラス Nicole Soshi ニコール ソウシ ニコール先生
Bus Driver/Office バス・オフィス Randy Prescod プレスコッドランディ
Bus Attendant バス担当 Ayumi Ishii いしい あゆみ
Bobcats Teacher ボブキャッツクラス担任 Faleafa Jason (Jay) Laulu ファレアファ ジェイソン ラウル
Cubs Head Teacher カブズクラス担任 Regina de Leon レジーナ デ レオン
Kindergarden Teacher
We are an International Kindergarten created in 2003 that has been enjoying rapid growth, but still maintain a warm and friendly atmosphere for teachers and students. Class sizes are kept small to maximize teacher contact. We currently have 50+ students enrolled in our preschool / kindergarten programmes. Students’ age ranges from 1 year 4 months-6 years and are taught on location at our school in Mizuho city, Gifu-ken. We use a curriculum based on the Full-Day Ontario, Canada Kindergarten Curriculum, but teachers creative input is always more than welcomed.
Our oldest students all speak English and the new entering kids quickly adapt their language skills and soon stop speaking Japanese. This is a wonderful environment in which to observe language acquisition
The work is incredibly full filing. This is not your typical “Eikaiwa” job where you see little progress in your students... This is an experience where it is possible to really get to know your students on a personal level and have a great influence in their early childhood education. This is a job you will never forget!
Workdays are Monday to Friday, with the exception of some of the school’s special events.
Teachers need to be team players, energetic, self motivated, flexible, patient, and most importantly; willing to love children.
- Teaching experience and a BASIC understanding of Japanese highly desired, but not required.
- More than one-year commitment highly desired, but not required.
- Valid International or Japanese Drivers license desired, but not required.
- All National holidays off.
- Winter holidays, Spring break and Summer (Obon) vacation.
- Extra days paid vacation.
- Visa sponsorship provided (requires a BA/BS.)
Please e-mail Randy Prescod () your resume along with a recent photo of yourself.